What is Google PageRank & Alexa Rank ?

What is Google PageRank:?

* Google PageRank is the most reliable indicators only the value of a site, not only by the algorithm based on more than 100 excellent, but also because Google indexes evaluate and rank sites using both methods automatic and manual.
* A few important parameters to decide a site's Google PageRank: degrees of useful information on the web site's popularity, technical quality, ...
* Google PageRank is divided into 10 grades and is represented by blue lines on a white background: Google PageRank image. The value of each site according to Google PageRank increases from 1 to 10.
* The term PageRank ™ is a protected trademark of Google, by Larry Pageva

* Sergey Brin developed at Stanford University of USA in a research project on the search engine in 1995. >> More
- Google PageRank bring benefits?

* Google PageRank is now considered the most reliable indicators assess the value of each site. One site has high Google PageRank indicator will provide a reliable impression to visitors, this is especially meaningful to the website e-commerce business.
* Google PageRank directly influence the position of each site showing the competitive rankings shown in the list of search results Google.Neu you want your website to increase rankings in the list of search results Google, improving Google PageRank for the pages in your website. >> More
* Google PageRank is a tool to assist the webmaster website administrator. Also, a high Google PageRank sites are partly demonstrated good governance capability of the website webmaster.
- How to view a site's Google PageRank?

* You can use the Google Toolbar - the toolbar supports users browsing:>> download the Google Toolbar
- How to increase Google PageRank?

* Basically, according to experts from Google: "Do not use artificial methods, create web pages for people, not for search engines"
* Sitemap, rank should be clear, content rich information, useful. Website links may not contain errors, HTML errors, errors command.
* Register website to Open Directory Project and Yahoo Directory!, As well as other quality websites.
- What is Alexa Rank?

* Alexa Rank is a measure of the popularity of the website. Index ranking of each site was evaluated from Alexa combine two elements is the number of site users to see (Page Views) and the number of website visitors (Reach).
* The Alexa's statistics are based on data collected from users to install Alexa Toolbar. Just last January 3, Alexa conduct summary data and ratings sites. >> More
* Alexa Toolbar is a utility that enables users to surf the Web, is about more than 10 million Internet users worldwide use this tool.
- Increase Alexa rank bring benefits?

* Alexa ranking index of a website are called "high-east that website visitors, the website does give a lively and impressive reputation.
* In the online advertising market, Alexa Rank can be used to assess the value of advertising.
* The Alexa rank is a measure of recognition of the achievements of labor webmastervoi community and a very useful tool to help webmasters website administrator efficiency.
- How to see Alexa ranking?

* You can use the Alexa toolbar - the toolbar supports users browsing:>> Download Alexa Toolbar
- How to increase Alexa ranking for a website?

* You should carry out the campaign website periodically to attract regular visitors to the website, Reach higher index.
* The website should have the high-value information, updated to attract customers back to regular website, increase page views.
* You need to arrange content, site structure so that the revenue received lots of clicks to increase visitor page views but still feeling comfortable, convenient. 

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